Organ Recovery Protein – 修復蛋白(口服)




Basic Introduction: This protein contains 6 anti-fibrosis peptides that have been combined to form a repair peptide. Fibrosis in the body is caused by various factors such as air pollution, viral infections, cytokines, exposure to certain chemicals, and diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, vascular sclerosis, cardiac fibrosis, systemic sclerosis, nephritis, dermatosclerosis, and more. The anti-fibrosis peptides can quickly block the inflammation caused by cytokine storm while preserving its antibacterial activity. Some peptides also reduce the inflammatory response of peritonitis, decrease the concentration of urea nitrogen in the blood, and treat inflammation of the glomerulus. These peptides can remove tissue fibrosis and inflammation, promote the secretion of collagenase and peptidase, and convert fibrotic cells back to their functional state.

Ingredients: 6 peptides, corn fiber


  • 100% amino acid sequence accuracy in each peptide
  • Heat resistant and highly stable
  • Good water solubility
  • No side effects


  • Ideal for smokers and people with asthma, providing temporary relief from symptoms
  • Quick and effective improvement of upper respiratory tract and lung cough
  • Provides fast relief from chest tightness and heart discomfort

Mechanism: The causes of fibrosis in the body are air pollution, viral infections, cytokines, exposure to certain chemicals, and diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, vascular sclerosis, cardiac fibrosis, systemic sclerosis, nephritis, dermatosclerosis, and more. The anti-fibrosis peptides can quickly block the inflammation caused by cytokine storm, preserving its antibacterial activity. Some peptides reduce the inflammatory response of peritonitis, decrease the concentration of urea nitrogen in the blood, and treat inflammation of the glomerulus. These peptides can remove tissue fibrosis and inflammation, promote the secretion of collagenase and peptidase, and convert fibrotic cells back to their functional state.

Usage: For therapeutic use, take one serving before each meal and before bedtime. For maintenance use, take one serving in the morning and evening.


  • 基本介紹:




  • 成分:



  • 特色:
  • 每種胜肽是100%胺基酸序列準確度
  • 耐熱、穩定性高
  • 水溶性佳
  • 無任何副作用


  • 用途:
  • 抽菸朋友最需要此種胜肽,氣喘的人吃了可以快速平息症狀發生(治標)但一段時間後又會發生(不治本)
  • 上呼吸道和肺部咳嗽的改善快速有效
  • 胸悶心臟不舒服可以快速緩解
    • 機制:




  • 使用方式:



Additional information

Weight 1 kg


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